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Welcome To H-Dogs Chicago

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Welcome To HDogs Chicago. The premiere HVAC company in Chicago. We offer commercial and residential HVAC, air conditioning and furnace installation services to homes in and around the Chicago metropolitan area. Contact the H Dogs Chicago HVAC company for any of your repair, installation or maintenance needs.


8 Important Signs It’s About Time To Change Your Furnace

Posted by omdec on

It is vital to discover simple, fast and reliable ways used to replace faulted gas furnaces before they become unsafe and increase reparation expenses. Ideally, sound heating systems render home environments healthy and comfortable for life. Effective and sound home heating systems consume less energy and provide high-quality air.

Eight discovered warning signs indicate urgency in the replacement of faulted furnaces. It is not advisable to wait for a crisis to escalate to take measures. Therefore, carry out repairs when appropriate to avoid cold nights especially in January.

Having the right information and knowledge before making decisions is essential. Thus, this report reveals the identifiable eight warnings that indicate furnace replacement when witnessed. Information building this report is authentic research carried out by the federal department of energy in the USA. The research was also done by the environmental protection body, the Minnesota Department of Public Service and electric and gas utilities. Heating and cooling manufacturers, trade associations and field service personnel acted as the training resources in the report.

1. How old is the furnace

Comparing the furnace age to the national average is a right and critical place to start from. The national average age of furnace ranges between 16 — 20 years. Thus, if the furnace you’re using ranges in that age or is older plan to shop for a new one. Shopping for a new furnace in time gives room and time for making wise decisions. Plan to replace and repair the furnaces when undertaking home improvement reparations rather than panic times. For the beginners, consider investigating whether your furnace has pilot lights and if they have the better. They will last for 25 years or more.

2. The increase of gas and Electric bills

Furnaces as they age and when they are not adequately maintained they decrease their efficiency and workability. As such, a rise in gas and electric prices is realized as the furnaces run longer providing the same amount of heat. The increased costs paid to gas and electric companies’ energy every month could have otherwise been used to purchase a new furnace.

3. Undertake Furnace repairs after every two years

Just like the cars, we replace one part this year and another part on the coming year so are the furnaces. Old furnaces spend $500 in a shorter period while in use. They usually breakdown mostly after two years while in use. Thus as they age, they pose challenges in getting the required spare parts. This is another critical sign for unmaintained furnaces. The waiting period makes the home cold and uncomfortable to live.

4. To what extent does the thermostat produce the required heat?

When you realize some rooms too hot and other too cold and always trying to adjust the thermostat to produce heat evenly you should understand that the furnace is worn out. This demonstrates a fault as the furnace cannot produce and distribute the required heat to make the home comfortable.

5. When the burner flame yellow instead of blue

When the furnace burner burns with a yellow flickering flame, it indicates the production of carbon monoxide a poisonous gas. Also, the streaks of soot at the furnace, the absence of upward draft n the chimney, presence of moisture at the windows, walls and other cold surfaces. Excessively rusting pipes and other connectors, small quantities of water leaking from the chimney base, vent and pipe, rusting of the pipe vents are other key indicators for the production of the poisonous gas carbon monoxide.

6. The production of strange noises by the furnace

Old furnaces start producing funny and strange sounds while getting to the periphery of their lifetime. As such, bangs, popping, rattling and squealing sounds indicate old furnaces. Also, when the furnace blower runs excessively and frequent on and off turnings and when they cannot blow cold air at times indicate old furnaces. Therefore, with the funny and strange sounds witnessed, the furnaces must be replaced immediately before they cause more damages.

7. The general health feeling of the family

When furnaces age they become vulnerable and develop cracks within the heat exchanger. This may release the poisonous gas carbon monoxide undetected. The signs and symptoms of such gas leakages are frequent headaches, nausea, disorientation, burning feelings in the eyes and nose and flu-like signs. When the signs and symptoms are experienced, open windows for good aeration, air out the home and urgently contact a gas technician for help. Usually, heat exchangers crack undetected; therefore, they need frequent inspection.

8. Dry and Dusty houses

Assuredly, aged furnaces lack the ability to moisturize and provide quality air in the house properly. Therefore, the house air becomes stuffy or stale. This leads to allergies due to airborne dust, molds, pollen, dander, and viruses. Also, suffering from dry noses, throat, and skin, static shocks, dust accumulations, drooping plants, and furniture cracks are related signs. They indicate that the furnace is incapable of providing the required comfort that the family needs.

In conclusion, keeping the home warm, healthy and comfortable is the sole objective of every homeowner. Therefore, it is noteworthy for them to understand the signs that indicate fault furnaces that require urgent redress. Carrying out the appropriate steps in time saves energy, time and resources. Fault and aged furnaces lead to both a waste of time, resources and health complications within the home.


10 Signs You May Need A New Furnace

Posted by omdec on

Welcome to the Glantz HVAC Architects, the experts in HVAC installation, maintenance, and air conditioner repair. Whether your house is too hot, or too cold, the experts got you covered. Glantz offers certified technicians to come to your house the day you call. We service all brands of air conditioner and furnace units. We also service and install hot water heaters, tankless heaters, and boilers.

The first car I owned taught me a valuable lesson. I drove that car until the engine was practically dust, and I wasn’t able to get even a penny for it as a trade in. Unfortunately, the car salesman informed me that the vehicle I had loved for so long was nothing more than a worthless heap of scrap metal. That day, I learned the importance of knowing when to part with something while it still had some value rather than waiting until the cost of repairs exceeded what the item was worth.

Of course, there’s a big difference between a car and a furnace. The typical lifespan of a furnace is approximately 15 years; however, if you decide to trade it in and get a newer model, even if it still has some life left in it, it won’t have any value as a trade in. This means that it’s important to keep your furnace maintained properly. It’s clear that getting the most from your furnace by running it until it’s given its maximum lifespan is essential. Pay attention to any signs that might indicate it’s time for a tune-up, this will allow you to spot problems before they can affect the overall lifespan of your heater.

Sign #1 — You Have Neglected or Ignored Your Furnace for Too Long

Ask yourself when your furnace was last checked by a qualified HVAC technician. If it’s been a year or more, it’s time for an annual maintenance service call. The air filter will most definitely need replacing, as I recommend that this be done every month. Most Chicago HVAC companies will offer a monthly service plan for this type of maintenance, as well as annual checkups. For optimal performance and the well-being of your furnace, this regular service should be on your calendar to make it a habit you stick with.

Sign #2 — You Notice Water Pooling Around the Base of Your Furnace

Two substances in your furnace that could potentially leak are water and gas. Of course, a water leak will be far less dangerous than leaking gas, but it is still something that should be addressed quickly, especially if you want to make sure that your house stays warm. This problem is easy to spot, just check for pooling water under or near your furnace. Generally, this problem is the result of a condensate line that is clogged. This is something that is best left for an HVAC professional because it requires both plumbing and HVAC experience to fix it properly.

Sign #3 — You Notice the Smell of Gas

Unlike water, a gas leak is usually identified because you notice a gas smell near your furnace. If this happens, immediately shut down your furnace. Next, open the furnace and locate the supply valve for the gas and turn it off. Don’t turn on any lights or light any matches in your home — as soon as possible, contact a local HVAC service provider.

Sign #4 — You hear a Banging, Thumping, or Scraping Sound

A clear red flag that you need furnace repair is if you hear any type of weird noise coming from it. Whether it’s a scrape, bang, or thump, it’s an indication that something is wrong with your HVAC system. You’ll need a trained HVAC technician to determine the problem, but these noises aren’t going to go away by themselves.

Sign #5 — The Furnace is Delivering a Weak Air Flow

If you’ve ever noticed a reduction in airflow from your car’s heater, you probably know that a switch from free-flowing warm air to almost no air coming out of the vents is a sign of trouble. This can happen to the furnace in your home for several reasons, ranging from minor problems, such as a fan, to major issues involving belts and motors. However, the bottom line is still the same; you need a trained HVAC technician to diagnose the problem and take care of the necessary repairs.

Sign #6 — The Thermostat Isn’t Working

If you have a thermostat the requires you to keep turning it up higher and higher just to get a little heat in your home, this is a clear sign that your furnace needs the attention of an HVAC professional. The main job of the thermostat is to let your HVAC system know how much heat is needed, but if it stops working, it’s a problem for a trained professional. A malfunction with a thermostat is often due to an electrical problem, such as a tripped circuit breaker, blown fuse, or loose wiring. These problems can be dangerous and pose a risk of shock. This is a job for a trained HVAC technician.

Sign #7 — You Are Getting Unexpected High Utility Bills

If your heating bill goes up significantly and it’s not attributed to higher use, this can be a strong indicator that you need furnace repair. There are several things that could be causing this spike in your energy bills, including ductwork problems, but it’s difficult to determine the exact problem without the proper training. An experienced HVAC technician will have the expertise and equipment needed to detect the problem and provide you with the best course of action to remedy the issue.

Sign #8 — Your Furnace Starts Blowing Cold Air

It’s not good if your furnace starts blowing cold air rather than hot. The most common reasons for this type of problem are either issues with the pilot light, or the thermocouple, both of these are complex components requiring an experienced technician to evaluate. This is not something you should try to handle by yourself.

Sign #9 — Your Furnace is Frequently or Constantly Cycling

If your furnace repeatedly kicks on and off, this is an indication that it could be over cycling, meaning that it is running more frequently than it should. This problem might be caused by improper air circulation, a clogged air filter, or even problems with the thermostat. Just like some of the other problems listed above, this is something that will require a trained HVAC professional to determine the exact cause and provide the needed repairs.

Sign #10 — Your HVAC System Is Feeling Its Age

If you have a furnace that’s as old as a high schooler, it probably has some problems. As I mentioned earlier, a furnace has an average lifespan of about 15 years; this means it might last until its 13 years old or it might make it to 20 years. Often, just keeping up with regular repairs can help make a difference.